marți, 23 noiembrie 2010

Inventivitatea mioritica

Mass-media prezentului e tare afectata de recesiunea omniprezenta. Redactorii, reporterii, producatorii, intreaga organigrama a unui trust de presa e ahtiata si stresata dupa senzational. In buna parte acesta nu e de gasit, iar ce se gaseste nu are nimic a face cu senzationalul - vezi "bomba"... Asta din lectia de jurnalism cu omul care musca un caine... S-au mai smecherit si cainii.
Daca nu ai senzational nu te poti vinde, nu poti vinde productia. Asa intervine inventivitatea, in cazul de fata, inventivitatea mioritica. Si nu-i a gluma. De fapt, in mod sec, prefabricarea subiectului. Si uite-asa senzationalul prinde viata, mai ales cand e promovat hiper-agresiv si cu mult prost gust si multa ignoranta in detrimentul eticii si deontologiei jurnalistice.
Citirea printre randuri, rastalmacirea si ruperea din context sunt uneltele jurnalismului din ziua de azi. A celui care se vinde. Si prostia e parte integranta a acestei stari de fapt. Urmarind un asa-zis realizator TV (pe GSP), inclini sa crezi ca prostia e de-a dreptul naturala si nu prefacuta.
La un seminar, un profesor american - foarte blazonat intr-ale jurnalismului, a facut-o franjuri pe o studenta care folosea persoana I in relatarea unei stiri: "Who the f... are you !?! who cares about you ?!?" Ideea era de a oferi informatia fara insertii si interpretari personale, cat mai aproape de forma bruta; putin cizelata pentru a putea fi publicata, insa nicidecum cu "eu am considerat, eu am presupus, eu cred ca, eu zic ca, parerea mea este" ...s.a.m.d.
Pentru a avea o parere pe care gasesti de cuviinta sa o impartasesti publicului larg, trebuie sa ai, intai-si-intai, competenta profesionala si oarecare experienta dovedita fata de tema abordata. De pilda, oameni care nu i-au vazut (se poate sa nu se fi nascut la timp) pe Tiriac si Nastase jucand, comenteaza meciuri si emit pareri de arhi-cunoscatori intr-ale tenisului. Si parerea acestora e luata a buna - vezi "a zis comentatoru' !" Comentatorul e atent sa nu rateze pronuntia americanizata a cuvintelor cheie intr-un meci de tenis (gheim, breik) si folosirea unor neologisme "necesar tehnice" care dau impresia de creare a unei noi limbi (precum spanglish) si coplesesc ascultatorul/privitorul cu cultura si "vastitatea" informationala: inside-out, moon ball...
La un alt pol, nu opus, se remarca varianta comentatorului a carui competenta lingvistica sfideaza orice urma de interes sau curiozitate profesionala. Fie ca e vorba de germana, franceza, sarbo-croata, engleza sau chiar ucraineana, pronuntia numelor e absolut hilara.
Si oameni de acest gen sunt formatori de opinie sau, mai degraba, in-formatori; din ciclul, presa educa si formeaza...
In spiritul acestui curent (cca 380V) nominalizatii anului sau poate ai deceniului la sectiunea "Exemple de neurmat" sau "Oricum dar nu ca ei" ar fi: Horia "Probabil si Sincer" Ivanovici, Mihai "Nu-i asa ?" Mironica, Andrei "Filtrant" Vochin, Liviu Tudor "Stati putin !" Samuila, Marius "E adevarat ?" Chican, Emanuel "Vreau sa va pun o intrebare !" Terzian si Radu "OM-iti spun eu ce facea !!" Banciu acest MM Stoica din presa de ...resort, la fel de inchipuit si de infumurat.
Bunaoara ca lista e mult mai lunga. Cei neinclusi se pot autopropune pe barba lor.

vineri, 31 octombrie 2008

Bernese Mountain Dog

Bernese Mountain Dog
(Berner Sennenhund, Dürrbächler)
FCI-Standard No 45
Origin: Switzerland

Originally used as a guard and draught dog and for driving cattle in the Kanton Bern; today also multi purpose, companion and family dog 
Group 2 (Pinscher and Schnauzer type - Molossian type and Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs)
Section 3 (Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs)
Without working trial.
Brief historical summary

The Bernese Mountain Dog is a farm dog of ancestral origin which was used as a guard and draught dog and for driving cattle in the prealpine regions and in the midland areas around Bern. Originally he was named "Dürrbächler" according to the name of the hamlet and of the inn of Dürrbach, near Riggisberg, where this longhaired tricoloured farm dog was especially appreciated
In 1902, 1904 and 1907 subjects of this breed were exhibited at dog shows. In 1907 a few breeders of the region of Burgdorf decided to promote the pure breeding of this native dog by founding the "Schweizerische Dürrbach-Klub" and fixing the characteristic traits of the breed in a first standard. In 1910, at the invitation of the "Dürrbach-Klub", there were already 107 subjects shown by the farmers at this very special event.
From that day onward this dog, renamed "Bernese Mountain Dog" (following the example of other breeds of Swiss Mountain Dogs) became repidly known all over Switzerland and Southern Germany. Today the Bernese Mountain Dog is well known and appreciated all over the world as a companion and family dog thanks to its striking tricoloured coat and its great adaptibility. 

General appearance
Longhaired tricoloured working dog, of above medium size, sturdily built, yet agile; well balanced in all parts.
Males 64 - 70 cm at withers, ideal size 66 - 68 cm
Females: 58 - 66 cm at withers, ideal size 60 - 63 cm

Self confident, attentive, vigilant, fearless in situations of every day life, good natured and devoted to his own people, self-assured and friendly towards strangers; of average and docile temperament.

Sound and balanced movement in all gaits covering a lot of ground; free stride reaching well out in front, with plenty of drive from behind; at the trot coming and going, legs moving forward straight and parallel.

Long, smooth or slightly wavy.
Jet black with rich tan markings on cheeks, over the eyes, on all four legs and on the chest, and with white markings as follows:clean white symmetrical markings on the head: blaze extending towards the nose on both sides to a muzzle band; the blaze should not reach the tan markings above the eyes, and the white muzzle band should not extend beyond the corners of the mouth moderately large, unbroken white markings on throat and chest 
desirable: white feet, white tip of tail
tolerated: small white patch on nape of neck, small white anal patch.

strong; skull viewed from front and in profile very slightly rounded; facial-cranial depression (stop) well defined without being too pronounced; frontal furrow slightly marked.
Nose: black
Muzzle: strong, of medium length; nasal bridge straight
Lips: not much developed; well fitting to the jaws; with black pigmentation.

strong, complete dentition, scissor bite.

dark brown, almond shaped, with well fitting eyelids.

triangular shape, slightly rounded at the tip, set high, medium sized, in repose hanging flat and close to the head.

compact and sturdy
Back: firm, straight and level
Loins: broad and strong
Rump: slightly rounded
Chest: broad and deep, reaching to the elbows; forechest well developed; chest and ribcage of wide-oval cross-section.
Belly: not tucked up.

bushy, reaching at least to the hocks; hanging straight down when at rest; carried level with back or slightly above when moving.

Rather wide apart, straight and parallel
Shoulders: shoulder-blades long, strong and well laid back, forming a not too open angle with the upper arm, well attached to the chest, well muscled
Pasterns: almost vertical (or very slightly oblique), firm

short, round and tightly bunched; well arched toes.

Seen from the rear straight and not too narrow; hocks and feet neither turning in nor out; dewclaws must be removed
Thighs: rather long, strong, broad and well muscled, with well bent stifles
Hocks: strong, well angulated.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault which should be penalized in proportion to its seriousness and importance:

light bone structure
undershot or overshot bite
absence of teeth other than 1 or 2 PM 1 (first premolar), M 3 (third molar) not to be considered
entropion, ectropion
sway back, rump higher than withers, sloping backline
curled tail, kink tail
distinctly curled coat
faults of colour and markings
absence of white on head
blaze too large and/or muzzle band reaching noticeably beyond the corners of the mouth
large white patch on nape of neck
white collar
white markings on forelegs reaching distinctly beyond half-way of pasterns ("boots")
disturbingly asymmetrical white markings on head and chest
black ticks and stripes on white of chest
"dirty" white (strong spots of pigmentation)
black coat with a touch of brown or red
weak temperament, aggressiveness. 

Disqualifying faults:
split nose
wall eye
short coat, double coat (Stockhaar)
other than tricoloured coat
other than black main colour.

N.B. Males should have two apparently normally developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

joi, 30 octombrie 2008

All The Angels Were Busy...

I've seen a t-shirt once looking for Bernese Mountain Dog stuff with the inscription (:) "ALL THE ANGELS WERE BUSY, SO THEY SENT ME A BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG !!" It seemed funny some way at first. Eventualy I've realized that it's the simple truth. This breed is quite unique and with certain effects on human behaviour. I'm trying to be objective in describing it but I must recognise that I can't. Personaly, I'm so proud having around two such angels; I still have in mind Manfred Mann's song "Angels At My Gate" and yes, I have two Swiss angels at my gate, waiting for me and my wife to arrive home from ever we had been.